Why choose Tightrope as your Bookkeeper?


A Professional, Consultative Approach

Our services allow business owners and nonprofit executives to concentrate on core business activities, such as sales and services, instead of spending valuable time on complex, financial issues.

Experienced Team For Each Client

All of our clients are assigned to both a bookkeeping specialist to help with business planning and strategy, forecasting and budgeting. Our staff members have a level of experience not normally found in small businesses.

24/7 Access and Support–One Fixed Monthly Fee

Our web-based system allows us to work with clients around the world, and provides you with round-the-clock easy access to reports and records. And, since we operate on a fixed-fee basis, which means our clients can call us anytime, with any question!

Reduced Costs

We provide both a bookkeeping specialist and Accounting Manager for similar or less than it would normally cost to hire one in-house employee.

Internal Controls

Control is a serious consideration for any business or organization looking to hire a bookkeeper or accounting staff. We provide an added layer of protection, minimizing your risk.

More Than a Bookkeeper

To our clients, we provide more than basic bookkeeping and accounting services…we become an integral part of the team as trusted business advisors.

QuickBooks Experts

We know QuickBooks inside and out! No problem is too large or report too complex!

Ready to learn more about how our outsourced accounting and bookkeeping services can benefit your business ?

Email us Today  – Fixed Fees – No one likes hourly billing!